Raising the Roof on Our Mental Health Project in Somaliland 2

After the cistern was completed, we began working on construction of the clinic. The idea of the clinic is to have a place to provide therapy that is safe and secure for our clients. It will also eliminate the biggest overhead expense for the whole Somaliland mental health project: rent. This will be an enormous help in making the whole project sustainable in the long term.

In addition to the space for therapy sessions, we have designed spaces for teaching and for housing the international guests that we hope will come and teach with us.

Our Ethiopian crew dug the trenches for our foundation. We brought in a crew of Kenyans to do the carpentry work. A crew of Somalis made the concrete bricks for the building on-site. Almost all of the work has been done by hand. Whenever I’ve tried to help with these physical tasks, I have always been humbled by how hard it is to do manual labor in the hot, dry, windy Somaliland climate without the help of modern machinery. We have now completed all three stories, minus the roof. We are hoping to raise enough funds this year to finish this building project so that our new home can open in 2025.